Artificial Intelligence and Agile Software Development: Use-Cases for AI-Augmentation
Since the release of ChatGPT 3.5 in November 2022 artificial intelligence (AI) has taken the world by storm. Since then, dozens of platforms, and thousands of tools, based on AI have been released. Many of these tools are focused on augmenting (enhancing), and potentially replacing, the activities of software developers. This white paper examines how AI augmentation impacts agile software development.
This white paper addresses the following topics:
- Why should you listen to me?
- What I would do
- What I wouldn’t do
- Valid use cases for AI-augmentation in software development
- Putting the AI-augmentation use cases into context
- AI tooling for agile software development
- AI through the agile lifecycle
- AI and DevOps
- My concerns about AI and agile software development
- The future of AI and agile software development
To download the completely free (we don’t even ask for your email!) white paper, simply click on the following image:
Artificial Intelligence Resources
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) Initiative Readiness Assessment
- The original LinkedIn articles this white paper is based on:
- Scott Ambler’s Blog Postings on Artificial Intelligence